Stephen Elop 30 minuta odgovarao na pitanja Engadget čitatelja

Engadget je proveo s Stephenom Elopom 30 minuta u kojih su mu mogli postavljati pitanja i njihovi čitatelji. Uglavnom su pitanja bila vezana uz nove Lumije, te nekoliko uz njegovo prijašnje zaposlenje. Interesantna su pitanja vezana uz Nokia tablet, plan B te buduće QWERTY Nokia uređaje.

Nokia Tablet

Elop je u vezi tableta odgovorio kako je bit Windows 8 platforme povezanost na različitim uređajima, odnosno računalima, tabletima i mobilnim uređajima, te je indirektno najavio tablet rekavši kako Nokia radi na toj povezanosti. Vjerojatno možemo očekivati tablet na Mobile World kongresu slijedeće godine?!

“So, we haven’t announced anything in the tablet space yet. A couple of things are very clear… the common user experience across Windows Phones, tablets, PCs, etc. is something that is going to encourage users to expect a common digital experience. ALso, the visibility of the “Metro” (ooops, can’t call it that) experience is going to drive a lot more visibility for our products. At Nokia, we definitely believe in the importance of that common experience.”


Qwerty uređaj

Nažalost iz Elopovog odgovora se da naslutiti kako Nokia ne planira qwerty mobilni uređaj, s obzirom na veću kvalitetu prediktivnog unosa na wp8 platformi. Ali opet, tko zna što će budućnost donijeti.

“Over time, you will see different sizes and formats. For example, the race for larger and larger screens continues, and yet is not the right answer for many people. You will also see us continue to evolve the Fabula design language to account for some of our advances in photography, etc. As for QWERTY, this is one of the more hotly debated topics. Over the last few years, we have been often the largest producer of QWERTY devices (popular in emerging markets as well as in business), and yet the trend seems to be moving heavily away from this… particularly because of the quality of the text prediction on WP (awesome).”


Plan B

Elop je bio tu jasan i rekao kako za sada Nokia sudjeluje u “ratu” ekosustava, odnosno platformi (Android, iOs i Windows Phone), jasno podržavajući WP platformu. Nije izostavio nove platforme jer je naglasio kako Nokia prati trendove a za sada je to WP.

“Our strategy is based on the premise that this is a “war of ecosystems”. Apple, Android and Windows Phone. We have clearly decided to focus our efforts on Windows Phone for this current war. At the same time, we are always working on what comes next … that’s not about going sideways or backwards … but rather how the mobile world evolves. How do user experiences evolve? What role does HTML5 play? etc. etc. So, today we fight with Windows Phone while we lead the world forward and beyond.”


Via Engadget

4 misli o “Stephen Elop 30 minuta odgovarao na pitanja Engadget čitatelja

    • Ma da, skroz čudno. Elop inače nikad nije direktno odgovorio na pitanje, al kako izgleda nije im u planu. Ma mislim da će izbaciti barem jedan koji će biti mix zaslona na dodir i qwerty tipkovnice, samo mnogo većeg zaslona nego kod E6.

  1. U vezi tableta , sigurno nesto posebno spremaju kad im ovoliko treba . Mozda cak nesto slicno onom elasticnon konceptu s NW2011 .
